Root Calculator

Root Calculator

This calculator helps you find the square root and cube root of numbers quickly and easily.

This calculator helps you find the square root and cube root of numbers quickly and easily. You can use this tool to solve your mathematical problems and make rooting more efficient.

When using the online root calculator: after selecting “square, cube or general”, you can enter the number you want to calculate.



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    What is a Root?

    In mathematics, the root of a number is the operation used to obtain a number given a certain value. A root is a number used to obtain a number itself. The root operation can be applied in different forms such as square root, cube root, fourth root.

    Square root: The square root of a number is the number whose square is equal to the given number.

    For example: The square root of 9 is 3, because 3*3 = 9.

    Cube root: The cube root of a number is the number whose cube is equal to the given number.

    For example: The cube root of 8 is 2, because 2*2*2*2 = 8.

    Fourth Root: The fourth root of a number is the number whose fourth power is equal to the given number.

    For example: The fourth root of 16 is 2, because 2*2*2*2*2*2 = 16.

    The root operation is used in mathematical analysis, in solving equations, in solving geometric problems and in many practical applications. The root is a fundamental mathematical concept that helps us better understand the properties of numbers and solve complex problems.


    • The root operation is the inverse operation of finding the power of a number.
    • Roots can be positive, negative or even complex numbers.
    • Root expressions are denoted by the symbol “√” or “n√” for roots of higher degree.

    How to Calculate Square Root?

    The square root is the process used to obtain a given number as the square of a number. The square root refers to the square root (the process of taking the root) of a number. This process provides a basic way of finding the square root of a number and is frequently used in mathematical calculations.

    Step-by-Step Calculation:

    1. Determine the Square Root: First, determine which number you want to find the square root of. This is the number for which the root will be taken.
    2. Make an Approximation: Make an approximation to the number of square roots you will find. This estimate should be close to the number where the root will be found.
    3. Square Your Estimate: Square your approximation and consider the result. This provides a starting point to begin finding the square root.
    4. The Process of Finding the Square Root: Next, find the square root more precisely using an iterative approach such as the Newton-Raphson method or another numerical method. These methods are used to refine your estimate and allow you to get a value closer to the correct square root.
    5. Check the Result: Check if your result is equal to the square of the number to be taken as the root. If it does, then the correct square root has been found.


    For example, let’s find the square root of 16:

    To start with, we can choose 4 as an approximation, because the square of 4 is the closest number to 16.

    Since the square of 4 is 16, our square root is 4.

    The square root calculation process is used in various mathematical problems such as complex numbers or large numbers, and the root taking process is widely applied in mathematical analysis and engineering fields.

    How to Calculate the Root Cube?

    The cube root is a mathematical operation used to obtain a given number as the cube of a number. The cube root of a number is the number equal to the cube of that number. The cube root operation is a frequently used operation in mathematics and has practical applications in fields such as geometry, engineering and physics.

    Step-by-Step Calculation:

    1. Determine the Cube Root: First, determine which number you want to find the cube root of. This is the number for which the root will be taken.
    2. Make an Approximation: Make an approximation to the number of cube roots you will find. This estimate should be close to the number where the root will be found.
    3. Cube Your Estimate: Cube your approximation and consider the result. This provides a starting point to start finding the cube root.
    4. Cube Root Finding Process: Next, find the cube root more precisely using an iterative approach or another numerical method. These methods are used to refine your estimate and allow you to get a value closer to the correct cube root.
    5. Check the Result: Check if your result is equal to the cube of the number to be rooted. If it does, then the correct cube root has been found.


    For example, let’s find the cube root of 64:

    To start with, we can choose 4 as an approximation, because the cube of 4 is closest to 64.

    Since the cube of 4 is 64, our cube root is 4.

    The cube root calculation process is used in various mathematical problems such as complex numbers or large numbers, and the root taking process is widely applied in mathematical analysis and engineering fields.

    Formulas Used in Root Calculation

    Formulas for calculating roots are basic mathematical formulas used in mathematics to express various rooting operations. These formulas are used to calculate square roots, cube roots and roots of higher degree.

    Some basic root calculation formulas:

    Square Root Formula: The formula for finding the square root of a number is as follows:

    \sqrt{x} = y \Rightarrow y^2 = x

    Here, “x” represents the number to be rooted and “y” represents the square root value to be found.

    Cube Root Formula: The formula used to find the cube root of a number is as follows:

    \sqrt[3]{x} = y \Rightarrow y^3 = x

    Here, “x” represents the number to be rooted and “y” represents the cube root value to be found.

    Nth Root Formula: The formula used to find the ninth root of a number is as follows:

    \sqrt[n]{x} = y \Rightarrow y^n = x

    Here, “x” represents the number to be rooted and “y” represents the value of the ninth root to be found.

    These formulas form the basis of rooting operations and are used in various mathematical problems. These formulas for calculating roots have a wide range of applications in mathematical analysis, engineering, physics and other scientific fields.